Tsunami 2

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Tsunamis have occurred on many occasions all around the world. Volcanic eruptions, landslides, earthquakes, and other natural disasters have caused these massive waves. A tsunami is a towering ocean wave generated by tectonic displacements such as undersea earthquakes, landslides, cosmic collisions, or volcanic eruptions. There is a common misconception that a tsunami is a tidal wave. Although the impact of a tsunami on a coastline may change depending upon the tidal level at the time …

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…correlation to their wavelength. When the water depth is less than 1/20 if the wavelength the form is known as a shallow-water wave. Its speed is determined solely by the depth of the water. Because tsunamis occur in the Pacific, a basin less than 3 miles deep, they are considered shallow-water waves. One of the most memorable tsunamis in history to ever occur hit Hawaii on April 1, 1946. Today the Tsunami Warning System of the Pacific has grown.