Truth Vs. Lie: Mexicans.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
When it comes the time to stereotypes, some people believe on them and some do not. There are stereo types for cultures, families, ages, even religions. Stereotypes are made of from attitudes, beliefs, ideas and personal traits. I truly believe that some stereotypes reveal the reality of certain groups- however, not all of them. Many, and I would say most stereotypes, do not reveal the reality of the group that is being observed. The stereotype …

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…reveal the opposite of this stereotype. It is true that the impression we get from what we see counts a lot; it is much different when we see the reality. The reality erases all the stereotypes we think of. Dare to find the reality about stereotypes you have heard about the Mexicans society, and you will see that it is different from what you consider. The stereotype on education has been proven to be lie.