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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Everything starts with trust. Friendships, relationships, daily routines, careers, etc. For example, you wouldn't tell your friends secrets or wouldn't ask them to take care of your house when your on vacation if you didn't trust them. You wouldn't go out to your mailbox if you didn't trust you would be safe when you came back. This world would be pretty messed up without any trust. What happens in society if citizens do not have …

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…and go to school/work, if you didn't have a little trust. In conclusion, trust is a big thing. If someone looses their trust in you, it can be pretty miserable and hard for you to regain it. This world would be pretty chaotic and stressful without trust. You can even end up having a lot of anger and violent attitude towards others. "Just trust yourself, then you will know how to live." Johann Worlgang