Truman Speaks An exclusive interview with Truman Burbank An Imaginary Interview from the Movie The Truman Show

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Me: So Truman, let's start at the beginning. What first made you think that something was wrong with your world? Truman: Well, actually, not a whole lot. It was just a feeling at first. Then I started to notice that things were too regular, calculated even. It just didn't fit together right. Then everyone tried so hard to convince me that nothing was going on; it just clicked. Me: How did you feel when you …

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…do have a lot of respect for you, and I wish you all the best. Thank you so much for your time, and for being willing to discuss this all so frankly. Truman: No problem. It's my pleasure. If anything I have said does any good to anyone else, it's all worthwhile. Me: Well said, Truman. Thank you so much. And, if I don't see you again... Truman: Good afternoon, good evening, and good night.