"Trifles", Written by Susan Glaspell

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
The story, "Trifles", written by Susan Glaspell, is about a murder committed in a Midwestern farmhouse. The story focus's on two main cases of revenge led by women against men. Revenge may be used to satisfy someone for the harm that was done to them and it can be used as Mrs. Wright did with her husband, John Wright. Mrs. Wright's husband destroyed all of her motivations in life, because of lack of love, attention, …

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…downgrade the women and be the authority. Mrs. Wright finally got her revenge on Mr. Wright and she don't care if she has to spend the rest of her life in jail because she already feels as if she is not alive. Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters do a great job at getting revenge on Mr. Henderson, Mr. Peters, and Mr. Hale. The three men don't even know that the women got revenge on them.