Treatment of the African American, Native American and Immigrant Population in America in the late 1800s.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
In the late 1800's, the evolving United States did not have that great of living conditions, especially for a Native American, immigrant, or African-American. Forced from their rightful lands, Native Americans were brutally marched to reservations. The new immigrants suffered a tremendous deal of persecution and a poor quality of life living in the packed cities. Even though African Americans had been constitutionally declared citizens and equals, the South was still segregated and blacks couldn't …

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…that the black population did not have a political voice in their own country. Being an African American in this time was terrible because you were caught in between being a slave and being free. Whether you were Indian, African American, or any other immigrant in America, life was very trying in the late 1800s. Living conditions, persecution or just plain ridiculous laws passed by our very own government made the quality of life appalling.