Transitions: Great Changes in life!

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
They have lived through 2 am feedings, endured toddler temper tantrums and put up with the but-I-don't-want-to-go-to-school-today blues. So why does the word 'adolescence' cause parents so much anxiety? The beginning of adolescence marks an individuals passage from childhood to adulthood, one of the major transitions one will ever have to go through. This transition can benefit or disadvantage ones life. During these years, teenagers are expected to make certain smaller transitions, causing a roller coaster …

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…difficult and awkward for him, as he has been a part and has had close affiliations with a particular group for a long period of time. This shows signs of maturity and social development. As can be seen, adolescence is a time of gradual and continual transitions; Transitions that shape and mould all people as the individuals they will carry themselves as into adulthood. Hence, we can say that transitions are GREAT changes in life!