Transformation in the Military. The US Army has gone through many transformations in the centuries past in order to posture itself to meet changing requirements.

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Transformation in the Military Our current National Security Strategy (NSS), National Military Strategy (NMS) and existing Army force structure were ill conceived for the future of the Army. As a result of the Bottom-Up Review (BUR), the Army was right sized and structured to meet the requirements to fight and win two major theater wars (MTWs). However, this force structure was never intended to support current deployment levels for military operations other than war (MOOTW). …

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…BUR). Washington, DC: Office of the Secretary of Defense, DOD. US Department of Defense (DOD) (1995). Joint Publication 3-0, Doctrine for Joint Operations. Washington, D.C.: Office of the Chairman, JCS. Noyes, Winn. (1995). Peacekeepers and War Fighters: Same Force, Different Mindset. Newport, R.I.: US Naval War College, Unpublished Research Paper. Schuster, Carol R. (2001). Military Transformation - Army Has a Comprehensive Plan For Managing its Transformation But faces Major Challenges. Washington, DC: FDCH Government Account Reports.