Transcontinental Railroad Essay

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Essay Database > History > North American History
<Tab/>Have you heard the quote "Life is a journey, not a destination?" Yet when it comes to summer vacations we see it as "Are we there yet?" Imagine it was 1840 and you wanted to travel from California to the East Coast. You would most likely board a ship. A ship would go have to go around the tip of South America to get to the East Coast. This would take …

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…the need to have to bring a Walkman or a book with us on the train or airplane. Imagine what you would have to do with 5 months worth of time. You'd probably need a whole library if you wanted to bring a book to read. The Transcontinental Railroad made a truly remarkable difference in society then and still does to this day. It couldn't have been done without the Theodore Judah who dared to dream.