Tragic Flaw of the Riddle Solver: Oedipus Rex(by Sophocles)

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Aristotle defined Oedipus Rex, written by Sophocles as the perfect tragedy. One of the elements in his definition of tragedy included tragic flaw (hamartia), and he said a tragic hero's downfall should be due to his/her tragic flaw. King Oedipus falls from a high status from being a powerful noble king in to a low status by blinding himself and committing a moral sin of killing his father, marrying his mother, and producing an …

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…combine to portray Oedipus's hubris. All these devices combine to portray Oedipus's flaw that all lead to his tragic downfall. Because of Oedipus's tragic flaw, the audience feels hostile to the tragic hero however, in the end, the audience feel sympathy for him because although he has a flaw, he is human, to err is human and despite his tragic flaw, he ends up learning about his mistakes, which makes the audience pardon his sins.