Tragedies in King Lear.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
"The theme of King Lear may be stated in psychological as well as biological terms. So put, it is the destructive, the ultimately suicidal character of unregulated passion, its power to carry human nature back to chaos.... The predestined end of unmastered passion is the suicide of the species. That is the gospel according to King Lear. The play is in no small measure an actual representation of that process. The murder-suicide of Regan-Goneril is …

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…power with Lear. King Lear is a timeless tale of honor, betrayal, usurpation of power and greed. Clearly Shakespeare was not only a great poet, but he was also an observer. He recognized certain qualities and emotion that all humans exhibit. The reason that he was so incr edible was that he was able to balance between the fiction and magic of Lear and his daughters, and the truth and realities of greed and power.