Traditional and Culture: Vietnamese

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Every country in the world has some traditions, culture or innovations to be proud of. For example, China has famous procelain, Japan has many modern electric machines,..and so does Vietnam. "Ao dai" is one of very profound impressions about Vietnam. We are proud of "Ao Dai" because of its history, beauty, the significance of the attire upon Vietnamese women and all things that it shows for pure beauty. First, the description about "Ao Dai" …

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…In General, "Ao Dai" is the combination of many cultures with elegant beauty. This is the perfect cut, and it appears with many modulations depending on each occasion. There are many stylish variations in color and collar designs. More than that, the aspects of its history, origins, and the significance of the attire upon Vietnamese women will always make it unique and special. We, Vietnamese people are all proud of "Ao Dai", our national attire.