Trade untions in australia

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Economics
Both trade unions and wage determination are subject to much debate concerning rights and responsibilities of employers and the employees. Outlined below are some of the methods used to determine wages in Australia, and the foremost advantages and disadvantages of enterprise bargaining. Recent trends in wage determination and some of the impacts are also discussed. In New South Wales, employers and employees can be covered by either the federal or state industrial relations systems, or …

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…where the system can work well for organized workplaces where unions are involved in the bargaining processes. Though a disadvantage of this is that workers in smaller workplaces or in non-unionized, women, part-time workers and immigrant workers may be disadvantaged by the reliance on the enterprise bargaining process for wage increases and improvement in conditions. Overall, as is evident from recent trends, wage determination is subject to much argument and still a rapidly changing debate.