Tracing The Roles Of Women in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

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Group One: Tracing The Roles Of Women in Things Fall Apart Okonkwo's attitude toward women and femininity: *<Tab/>P.16- "Okonkwo ruled his household with a heavy hand...and another was idleness. o<Tab/>In this quote from TFA, the writer shows that Okonkwo views women, as well as his father along with men without any titles, as weak, flawed people. It is no coincidence that the …

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…lt;Tab/>P.141- "One morning Okonkwo's cousin...but Okonkwo sat unmoved." o<Tab/>This quote comes from the latter half of the book. Okonkwo is just learning of Nwoye's conversion to Christianity, as are the women. When the women start to talk excitedly, he does not yell at them. The character of Okonkwo at the beginning of the book would have snapped at and most likely beaten them.