Traces of a Serial Killer

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Pages: 7
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
"It was an urge......A strong urge, and the longer I let it go the stronger it got, to where I was taking risks to go out and kill people--risks that normally, according to my little rules of operation, I wouldn't take........" ---Edmund Kemper There are many theories that psychologists and FBI agents have proposed to explain what initiated these killers fantasies and predominately how they turned them into a reality. Is this urge ultimately …

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…with a quote, what other better way would it be to end with a quote. "You don't understand me. You are not expected to. You are not capable of it. I am beyond good and evil. I am beyond your experience. I don't believe in the hypocritical, moralistic, dogma of this so-called society. I don't need to hear all of society's rationalizations. I've heard them all before and the fact remains that what is ,is...."