Tough time for creative boutiques.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Creative boutiques have long been an important part of the advertising industry. The competieive advantage for boutiques has always been their ability to turn out inventive creative work quickly, without the cumbersome bureaucracy and politics of larger agencies. Large and small shops coexisted successfully because boutiques usually pursued smaller accounts than large agencies were interested in. And even as the agency business was reshaped by consolidation and the creation of large mega-agencies that now dominate …

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…be involved and there would not be a lot of layerd of bureaucracy with which to deal. many creative boutique owners still feel they can beat the odds and carve out a niche for themselves in the advertising agency business. Those who can survive th etough times facing the advertising industry may find a bright future, as there will always be clients who want key-principal involvement and creative people who are doing breakthriugh creative work.