Tough obstacle.This essay about my personal experience about learning the writing skills with the help of my mother.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
When I read this essay title, I didn't know which one to pick. Since the day we were born, we started to have experiences. Some people make mistakes during their experiences, but they will learn a lesson or benefit from the experience. An unforgettable experience that I will never forget is my experience with writing. When I was very little, I had a problem with my writing. I would say that I really paid a …

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…In conclusion, I very appreciate my mother supporting because she really helped me a lot. She always encouraged me to keep up with my writing. After this experience, I've learned to persevere and not to give up easily. Sometimes, I wonder if I had totally given up with my writing at the time I wouldn't be able to write this essay today. The benefit that I've learned from this experience is my incredible writing skill.