Torture is Morally Justifiable in Some Extreme Cases (write a letter to the editor in respose to Mirko Bagaric's article).

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Whose distorted moral judgments? Torture, a controversial word, is defined by Paris Aristotle, the director of the Victorian Foundation for survivors of Torture as being " not just the physical applications of pain, but it requires the complete subjugation of the person at emotional, psychological and spiritual levels." It seems to be a complex definition, however torture is in fact much worse. As a survivor of torture I felt disgusted upon reading Mirko Bagaric's article supporting …

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…to express love to thousands of others. Barbarism towards other people is unforgivable under any situation for the reasons of immorality. It takes some nerve for a man holding such repugnant views to accuse others of making "distorted moral judgements". That is Bagaric's distorted moral judgement because torture is in reality not "an excellent information gathering device" and because simply, the morality of humanity avows that torture can never be justified under any extreme cases.