Tortilla Curtain

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Tortilla Curtain is a very interesting book that has realistic views. It clearly illustrates the real problems that surround the daily life of Americans and illegal immigrants on the Mexican border. It shows the reader the problems the Mexicans and Americans face every day. The novel illustrates to us the differences and the conflicts between the two groups. The novel does not take a particular stand on the issue of illegal immigration however. Instead, it …

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…common in some places in the U.S. There are plenty of rich Mexicans and poor Caucasians living in some areas of the United States. Tortilla Curtain gives the reader a good realistic perspective of the situation on the Mexican border. It reveals the daily life of Mexicans and Americans in that region and shows how the two groups confront each other. With the exception of a few things the novel is truthful and modern.