Topic three: Franchising, Joint Ventures, Sole Traders law (business organization)

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
"A sole trader operating under a franchise is said to be the master of all he/she controls". Discuss this statement with special reference to the advantages and disadvantages of such a business structure in connection with the operation of a franchise. Advantages A sole trading business organisation is the simplest form of business organisation as it only requires one principal. Sole traders can be found in most types of business undertakings such as, small …

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…to sole traders. They generally require personal security against loans in the form of mortgages over property, shares, goods and chattels. Whilst there are few legal obstacles in selling a business there can be difficulties with the valuation of assets such as goodwill. A sole trader is treated as an individual for tax purposes, and although he/she can write off expenses the marginal tax rate might well be higher than that of company tax.