Topic: How did the problems in Germany make people support Hitler in 1923?

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Essay Database > History > European History
1923 was a problematic year for Germany. The current government was weak and hyperinflation was wreaking people's savings. The people of Germany slowly rallied to a need for a strong leader. The anger toward the French invasion of the Ruhr angered the German people, and the fact that the Weimar government let the French leave after 8 months of scourging civilians' property did nothing to satisfy the people. The attempt to seize power during the Beer Hall …

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…German community, because he said what they wanted to hear. He promised to solve many problems that Germany had at the time. Also, many people disliked Jews, and gave their support after they heard Hitler's speeches of "cleansing the German race". In conclusion, the people's anger towards the Weimar government after the French invasion, the consequences of the Beer Hall Putsch, and the appeal of his speeches made more and more people support him in 1923.