Toni Morrison's traditions of the Ghost Story.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Discuss how Beloved revises and renews the tradition of the ghost story Beloved is a ghostly novel. There is a question though, as to whether the character of Beloved is a ghost at all and if she is whether she falls into the African-American ghost genre or the classic Gothic ghost of American folk horror. There is evidence in the novel to support all three theories. Whether or not Beloved is actually the reincarnation of …

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…in which Beloved's presence, although exorcised, is still traceable through such things as 'the rustle of a skirt' (Page 275), the horrors of slavery will live on forever by haunting generation after generation. Its presence will always be able to be felt despite the feeling that 'black people don't want to remember ' Bibliography Toni Morrison, Beloved (Vintage 1997). Toni Morrison, Conversations with Toni Morrison (Jackson: University Press, 1994) Toni Morrison, 'A Bench by the Road', (The World, 1989)