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Essay Database > Literature > English
Tombstone is a movie set back in the 1800's whenever people were allowed to carry guns and murders in the towns were a usual thing. This particular movie includes several legends of the "Old West", such as Doc Holliday, Wyatt Earp, Texas Jack, Johnny Ringo, and several others. Doc Holliday was the calm sarcastic type, who was addicted to alcohol and cigarettes. Because of Doc's addiction, he was diagnosed with tuberculosis which often made him …

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…to show his love and gratitude, and they talk for a brief moment, and then Doc insists that Wyatt leave. Wyatt agrees, and says "Thanks for always being there Doc", as soon as he's threw saying this, Doc Holliday dies in his bed. After he dies, Wyatt hunts down the lovely lady he was in love with, and they become a couple and live the life they both want. That is the end of Tombstone.