Tokugawa Ieyasu

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Essay Database > History
The subject of my paper is the life of Tokugawa Ieyasu. This man is believed to have been the most powerful man in Japan during the Edo period. Throughout this paper, I will be writing about issues that occurred throughout throughout Ieyasu's life. Some of the issues that I will cover include: The Battle of Sekigahara; The suppression and persecution of Christianity; economic practices that helped him secure his power position. There are other issues …

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…was the replacement of the wooden pipes to metal pipes. The only comparison during this time was London's water system in 1613. The English could only draw water seven hours a day. This led to Edo being far superior to any other water system in the world (Hanley p.107). Ieyasu also helped develop a major traffic system for Edo. He forced every daimyo to live in a castle in his Han or domain every other year.