"Today's Entertainment: Social Commentary or Not?" Argumentative essay based on book Fight Club and movie Secret Window. 1st Draft, got a great criteria score. Includes works cited.

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Social commentary is the act of imparting one's opinion on the nature of society to another person. This is usually used with the idea of bringing a change in society by means of informing the general populace of a given problem. Problems range in topic and relevance from racism, poverty, and child abuse, to greed, individual identity, and chasing The American Dream. W.H. Auden said, "What the mass media offers is not popular art, …

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…did. It is not all disposable trash as he said. We must recognize it as social commentary. Works Cited Adams, James Truslow. Epic of America. Garden City: Later, 1933. Palahniuk, Chuck. Fight Club. New York: Henry, 1996. Secret Window. Dir. David Koepp. Perf. Johnny Depp. 2004. DVD. Columbia Pictures, 2004. Shulman, Randy. "Missionary Positions". Rev. of Secret Window. Dir. David Koepp. Perf. Johnny Depp. Columbia Pictures, 2004. <http://www.metroweekly.com/arts_entertainment/film.php?ak=918>.