"Today, Tenfold"

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Essay Database > Literature
(This is actually a fictional, descriptive essay. It was completed as an assignment for my college English Compostion Class. Enjoy.) They told him that he only had twenty-four hours left to live. Doubt and anger writhed in his skull in a deadly embrace, each threatening to crush the life from the other. It was a quiet, brutal struggle that lent strength to each vicious antagonist alternately, the battle's tide rocking back and forth in tempo …

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…In his mind's eye, his wife stared out of a window, framed by beige curtains and a cool, spring breeze. <Tab/>The silent stalker watched as the heavy rhythm of his breathing ceased. "Is he dead?" the question came from somewhere behind him. <Tab/>"Yes, and I want him carted to sublevel four immediately. We're beginning Project Lazarus as soon as possible." <Tab/>