Tobacco-Free Hospitals

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Tobacco use has been a subject of debate for quite some time. The individual's right to choose to smoke versus the individual's right to avoid air polluted with cigarette smoke is an ongoing battle. Reports on tobacco bans in businesses such as restaurants and bars has reignited the war zone and caught the public's attention once again. The American public is slowly becoming aware of hospitals that have begun to adopt a no-tobacco policy. It …

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… Scott & White Tobacco-Free Policy Will End Smoking Outdoors. (2004, June 16). Retrieved January 15, 2005, from _pagr/107/_pa.107/116/.swaction/org.sw.browse/.swdoc/ ~iwcontent~public~marketing~en_us~html~marketing_pr_smokefree_2004-06-16.jsp/.piid/152/.ciid/253 Sims, J. M. (2005, January 15). Two temple hospitals going tobacco-free. The Killeen Daily Herald on the Web. Retrieved January 15, 2005 from update/saturday4.html