Tobacco Advertising

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
To say that tobacco advertising stirs tobacco sales might give the impression of a straightforward and modest declaration. In realism, tobacco power campaigners frequently meet grave resistance in shielding this information. Attaining the limit or prohibition of tobacco publicity is one of the fiercest fights to countenance. Tobacco lobbyists more often than not declare that advertising does not add to the general amount of tobacco sold. To a certain extent, the tobacco industry upholds that …

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…Medicine. 151, 1189-1196, 1997. Suein, H. L. Hollywood to Antismoking Activists: Butt Out. The Wall Street Journal. Pp B1, B8, 1998, March 17. Stoddard, J.L. Target Tobacco Markets: Outdoor Advertising in Los Angeles Minority Neighborhoods. American Journal of Public Health. 87, 1232, 1233 1997. Stauber, Sam. The American Tobacco Industry utilizes PR crust to carry on its battering On Human Lives. Tucson weekly magazine. November 29, 1995. Turnquist, K. Scions of Joe Camel aren't just blowing smoke. The San Diego Union-Tribune. P D5, 1998, June 7.