Toasting to Adulthood Illegall

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the United States, the legal drinking age remains higher than any other country. College students and other young people take spring break trips to places like Mexico, because at age 18 a person may consume the desired beverage. However, these young adults risk their lives. Many youths will drink themselves sick and find themselves in trouble when they run into authorities. In the United States, youths cannot drink legally. If the current age of the …

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…its meaning. The United States boasts itself as a country that welcomes and supports the free. However, putting laws and restrictions on anything clearly contradicts these rules. Everyday in Congress, more and more laws are passed and put into effect. We hardly ever see a law removed or erased from our lives. Changing the legal drinking age from 21 to 18 would solve this dilemma. Until that day, however, will we toast to our adulthood in secrecy?