To what extent was the Pilgrimage of Grace a protest against the religious policies of Henry VIII's government?

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Essay Database > History > European History
There has been great scholarly interest in the Pilgrimage of Grace for decades, with there being two main disputes; each argument provoking a great debate. The first argument being about the motive for the uprising and the second; how it was started. Religion must have been of a great influence, and therefore the reason behind the rebellion as it has become known as the Pilgrimage of Grace. This is because its leaders visualized their revolt …

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…Tab/>Mac Culloch(ed), 1995, The reign of Henry VIII; politics, policy and piety. Hampshire: Mac Millan press ltd 6.<Tab/>Palmer, 1971, Henry VIII, London: Longman Group Limited 7.<Tab/>West Yorkshire Archaeology Service, The Tudors in West Yorkshire; Pilgrimage of Grace. 8.<Tab/>Williams, P, 1998, The Later Tudors; England 1547-1603, Oxford: Oxford University Press.