To what extent was Louis XVI to blame for the problems in France?

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Essay Database > Law & Government
One of the several obstacles that caused problems for Louis XVI and that wasn't in any way his own fault was his wife. He was married to one of Maria Theresa's daughters, Marie Antoinette, who came from a very wealthy family so she was very spoiled and wanted to live a life full of luxury (such as always buying herself unnecessary things), and this angered the people of France. This caused Louis XVI to be …

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…Even when Louis reformed the States General he didn't do it fairly enough and it didn't make a difference because he still didn't count all the people from the Third Estate. Overall, I think Louis XVI was mostly responsible for the problems in France because a competent ruler would probably have been able to prevent a revolution which Louis XVI did not achieve, but I admit that he had a difficult start to his reign.