To what extent was Bismarck responsible for the unification of Germany?

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Essay Database > History > European History
Under the guidance of Bismarck, the Prussian chancellor, the unification of a Kleindeutsch (small Germany) took place in 1871 after Prussia defeated France. There is often historical debate over who was responsible for the unification of Germany. Controversy is caused amongst those who believe that Bismarck was fully responsible for German unification and those who believe other factors played an equally or even more important part. The historian Pflanze is an example of someone who considers …

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…to suggest that one cannot succeed without the other and that Bismarck, along with other important factors brought about German unification. This view supports the opinion of the British historian, Williamson, who believed that Bismarck was not solely responsible for uniting Germany: "Bismarck did not fashion German unity alone. He exploited powerful forces which already existed". Bismarck also later said: "Man cannot create the current of events. He can only float with it and steer."