To what extent is it fair to say that World War 1 wasn't worth it?

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
The aim of this of essay is to discuss the consequences of World War 1 in Europe, and using different types of evidence to prove whether the war was an entirely bad thing or not. The war left its marks on the people of Europe as well as on the land. The trenches in France and Belgium are an ugly sight, not to mention the devastation of the fighting areas all around. The worst thing, though, …

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…predict what will happen once war between industrialized countries breaks out. We also learned that the technology of warfare expands much more rapidly than the capacity of political leaders to control it. Because of the war I think we learned to understand ourselves and people of other nationalities better, not least because of immigration during the war. Maybe the war wasn't worth the 9 million people lost, but I sure think they didn't fight for nothing.