To what extent has your study of Australian poetry contributed to your understanding of, or response to, your sense of being Australian or living in Australian society

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Essay Database > Literature
There are many factors that shape my sense of being Australian and living in an Australian society. All my previous experiences- whether they be books I have read, films I have viewed, advertisements I have listened to or watched, people I have talked to, experiences I have encountered on my travels, even the National Anthem and annual Australia Day celebrations contribute in some part to my sense of myself as Australian. Factors such as my …

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…life that supports what I feel about my own identity is in the people around me. Without the society we live in, the media, my own friends and most importantly my family I would not be able to define my own identity. The importance of the people around you can be captured by a poet and together in sharing these texts we are able to reaffirm our own identity and help others in finding theirs.