To what extent has racism been a part of English football?<Tab/>

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
To what extent has racism been a part of English football?<Tab/><Tab/> Recently in a Champions league semi-final match between Monaco and Chelsea Ron Atkinson was working as a pundit for ITV. Ron Atkinson has been involved in football for over 40 years. After his playing career was over he went on to become a successful manager for such prestigious clubs as Manchester United, Aston Villa and …

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…improved. In what has become a multidimensional society, feelings of hatred and racism have become unacceptable. Although there are regrettably still instances of racism around, the numbers have decreased dramatically. Football reflects society in the way it has reacted to the problem of racism in a united and intolerant way, the reaction to Ron Atkinsion's comments signify this and it has resulted in a talking point rather than public outcry. <Tab/>