To what extent do stories and information about Apollo's personalities problems suggest that these problems can be resolved?

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Essay Database > Literature > Mythology
Apollo can be said to embody certain personality problems, and certain problems of civilization (think of the culture-nature relationship/tension). To what extent, if at all, do stories and information about Apollo suggest these problems can be resolved? Apollo is a complex figure with multiple attributes that make him difficult to understand. He takes on many roles (god of prophecy, healing, arts, archery), each of which has a duality of its own. There is a …

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…Apollo is the enigma 'man' and therefore each and every one of us. Works cited Burkert, Walter. Greek Religion. Trans. John Raffan. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1985. Ferguson, John. Among the Gods. Great Britain: St Edmundsbury Press, 1989. Homer, The Odyssey. Trans. E. V. Rieu. 1946. London: Penguin, 1991. Lloyd, Alan B. What is a God? London: Gerald Duckworth and Company, 1997. Reinhold, Meyer. Past and Present. Canada: A. M. Hakkert, 1972. Slater, Philip E. The Glory of Hera. USA: Beacon Press, 1968.