To what extent did the Japanese threat have an impact on the outcome of the power struggle between the Communists and the Kuomintang?

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Every action has a reason, and Japan's reason for the invasion of China was purely land, in quality and quantity. Manchuria or as it was later renamed by the Japanese Manzhouguo proved to be an excellent source for forestry, minerals, and agricultural products in addition to being under populated for the size. Once captured the Japanese did all they could to protect their investment in Manchuria, took control of the major mines, railways, factories, ports, …

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…shek was corner, due to the fact that his own infantry was reluctant to fight the helping communists. And willingly joined the communists without any remorse, as the infantry of the Kuomintang went unpaid, unfed, and mistreated. Hence the Japanese threat greatly helped the communists, and benefited Chiang Kai Shek in such a way that we was granted passage to Taiwan, bringing with him the treasures of the forbidden palace, and vast amounts stolen money.