To what extent did Kennedy and Johnson improve Civil Rights of African Americans?

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Intro This essay will show how these two presidents tackled the problem of Civil rights of African Americans and it will demonstrate the extent of improvements and what remained the same. When one compares the extent of improvements which these two presidents make, the immediate reaction would be one praise towards President Kennedy because of his ultimate death while one would demonise President Johnson cause of Vietnam. This essay will show how little Kennedy actually …

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…congress that would change every single African Americans life for ever, but not only he also managed to keep at bay the feared white backlash, and the black power movement, considering that it could have escalated, and caused much greater damage. Over all the extent of legislation, appointments and gestures that President Lindon Johnson did was at a far greater depth and extent that any had done for the civil rights movement in the US.