"To kill a mocking bird" by Harper Lee- coursework essay

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
"To kill a mocking bird" is about a six year old girl called Jean Louise Finch but is known as Scout and she is the narrator of the book. She tries her hardest to be one of the boys and avoids wearing dresses, she spends her time with her older brother Jem and her best friend Dill. Jem is ten years old (at the start). Throughout out the book Jem struggles with racism and intolerance …

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…know he is not really a bad person. I do think that "To Kill a Mocking Bird" is a story of childhood because it goes through the troubles children have in their life. The novel covers racism (towards Tom Robinson), prejudice (Tom, Dolphus Raymond, Mrs Dubose), and courage (Tom, Scout, Dill). This novel shows growing up to be hard work. On Maycomb the people are one minded but it shows that kids can change everything.