"To kill a Mockingbird." Written by Harper Lee.

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ESSAY DETAILS Words: 12077
Pages: 44
(approximately 235 words/page)

Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Chapter One~ Scout, formally known as Jean Louise Finch, talks about how her brother Jem, older by 4 years, broke his arm badly at the elbow when he was thirteen. To this day she insists that the entire incident began with the Ewell family, the most wretched family in Maycomb County, but Jem disagrees. He believes that the whole thing started way back when Dill came from Meridian, Mississippi, to spend his first summer in Maycomb …

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…called them down and met them in the foyer. He sent them home with Cal to eat supper, but he gave in and told them they could come back after their meal to wait for the verdict. After they'd eaten, the children went back up to the courthouse and waited until well after eleven that night. When the jury finally returned, Scout watched in a dreamlike state as they came back in. Atticus had once