To kill a Mockingbird

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Boo Radley : Misjudged By Many It's simple to judge others before actually getting to know them. In Harper Lees novel, To Kill A Mockingbird Boo Radley, the neighborhood eccentric, is often misjudged by the community. Stephanie Crawford, the neighborhood gossip, makes up many stories about the Radleys. She justifies that she knows everything there is to know about them. An interesting story she revealed about Boo Radley was that she saw him watching her through …

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…example of how caring Boo can be is when he covers Scout up in a blanket during the fire at Miss. Maudie's house. It shows how thoughtful he is. By the actions of the neighbors, it proves that Boo Radley is mistaken for a perverted and senseless man. They assume that he hurts his parents, kills defenseless animals, and invades peoples privacy. These three examples prove that Boo Radley is greatly misjudged by his society.