To find out if there is a relationship between fluid intake and urine output, by measuring my daily fluid intakes and urine outputs.

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Aim: To find out if there is a relationship between fluid intake and urine output, by measuring my daily fluid intakes and urine outputs. Hypothesis: The volume of urine I will produce will be at least half of the volume of fluids I will drink, due to the body's ability to carry out a water balance just as one would have on oxygen, carbon dioxide to maintain a healthy and working body. For example if …

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…experiment is far better because variables can be controlled, such as control of time, sleep, food intake, and movement, leading to an independent variable which will only be the fluid intake and urine outputs, which can be closely measured off. The results from these will be far more reliable as you would see a repeated set of results being produce, thus providing a reliable set of results, which can be analysed to support my hypothesis.