To be or not to be The history, future, and sociological view of marijuana.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
REFERENCES Encarta Encyclopedia. Marijuana (1993-1997). Microsoft Corporation Mano, K. D. (1990, May 14). Marijuana. National Review v42. 58-62. Monroe, Judy. (1998, March). Marijuana a mind-altering drug. Current Health 2 v24 16-24. Musto, David F. (1991, July). History of Marijuana use. Scientific American v265. 40-48. To be or not to be: The History, Future, and Sociological View of Marijuana. Abstract Marijuana is a drug that has been around for quite some time now. It has gone from being legal to grow …

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…negative effects of marijuana mentioned earlier they are some of the same things associated with the use of alcohol. However, alcohol is legal to buy and drink, but weed is not. When people are able to look past all the hype that the media and grandparents have put on weed we may be able to see marijuana legalized. However, until this happens marijuana will remain illegal and alcohol will probably remain the drug of choice.