To an Athlete Dying Young

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Essay Database > Literature > English
"To an Athlete Dying Young" Many people fear dying at a young age. Along with that come fears of not being able to fulfill all their dreams, not being able to live a prosperous life and take full advantage of their time on earth. It is a sad fate that is uncontrollable by any human, and to view a young and premature death in a positive light would be horrendous to many. However, Alfred Edward …

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…vivid picture of everything that has happened: a champion being paraded down the streets through the market-place and his early death with the whole town attending the funeral. However, A.E. Housman takes a horrid event, an athlete whose time has come too soon, and rearranges it into something that is seen in a good light, whereas by dying young the athlete will always be a champion and never have to see his glories fade.