To an Athlee Dying Young

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Essay Database > Literature > English
To an Athlete Dying Young The poem To an Athlete Dying Young by A. E. Housman is a piece about one of the most tragic fates. That fate, of course, is dying at a young age. The first thing that must be determined is who is telling the poem. I believe it is an older man, one who had been a champion of sorts in his younger days. He seems to know and understand what …

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…the rout Of lads that wore their honors out, Runners whom renown outran And the name died before the man. So set, before its echoes fade, The fleet foot on the sill of shade, And hold to the low lintel up The still defended challenge cup. And round that early laureled head Will flock to gaze the strengthless dead And find unwithered on its curls The garland briefer than a girl’s.