To What extent is Lady Macbeth Pure evil? Do you agree?

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Throughout Shakespeare's "Macbeth", Lady Macbeth is consistently depicted as one of Shakespeare's most evil and frightening female characters, however, she is only evil to the extent of lacking the judgement of her behaviour. Pure Evil can be defined as having only 'inhumane' qualities or constantly being morally depraved. Two of Lady Macbeth's main qualities expressed are ambition and guilt. These qualities are perfectly humane, however it is her choices of how to achieve this ambition, …

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…poor judgement in result of this blindness lead to the moral depravation of her actions. Lady Macbeth became a victim of her own imagination and in the end she recognises this. One cannot be pure evil and feel guilt for one's wickedness at the same time, thus it can then be concluded that Lady Macbeth is not pure evil; She did had some evil qualities, in fact, this is what makes Lady Macbeth only human.