To What Extent were poverty and prosperity causes of the 1789 French Revolution?

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Essay Database > History > European History
Historical processes are not consequence of a single cause, there are always several complex structures involved and the historian must be careful to study all of them in their mutual interconnection. The French Revolution is a particularly complex process because it is a turning point in history and even now there are different points of view about its causes, development and consequences, however it is clear that one of the main short-term causes was the …

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…were the peasants, made the Revolution possible during those times. Without the peasants being in extreme poverty situations, the bourgeois wouldn't have gotten justice. The peasants, the anger that they felt for he nobles and the ideas that the bourgeois introduced to them, united the necessary strength to develop such strong revolution. The bourgeois took a very important role by encouraging the peasants to fight against the government that was taking advantage of the poor.