To What Extent Is Eddie Responsible For His Own Death In 'A View From A Bridge'?

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In this essay, I hope to prove that Eddie Carbone, the principal male character in this play, is to some extent responsible for his own death. However I am also hoping to ascertain fate and destiny's involvement with the time, place, and situation in which he died. Factors which may have influenced Eddie's opinions of certain circumstances will also be explored, such as social and historical backgrounds, communication between characters, relationships, fate and destiny, tragedy, …

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…those days and one of them was that they were a virgin at their marriage. Many women may not have taken notice of this 'verbal' law but it was disrespectful for her to do it in her father's house. A good conclusion could be one that was about compromise and Alfieri explains that the law, written and unwritten cannot satisfy everyone and you can't have everything that you want. 'Most people settle for half.'