To What Extent Did Environment Effect Urban Mentality in the Medieval Times?

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Essay Database > History > European History
To a large extent the growth of towns in the medieval times greatly altered the mentality of its inhabitants. The social environment created by the mass immigration to towns marks a sharp increase in economic and political awareness, as well as a transition towards a more cultured society, increasingly characterised by intellect rather than religion. However, much has been exaggerated regarding the changes that occurred: in many ways towns remained essentially feudal societies; 'artisans and …

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…London: Fontana, Collins, 1973 4)THE English Medieval Town: areader in English Urban History 1200-1540/ edited by R. Holt and Gervase Rosser. London: Longman, 1990 5)City and Countryside in late Medieval and Renaissance Italy: essays presented to Phillip Jones/ ed. By Trevor Dean and Chris Whickam. London: Hambledon Press, 1990 6) 7)death in Towns: Urban Responses to the Dying and the Dead, 100-1600/ed. By Steven Basset. London; New York: Leicester University Press, 1992