To Pierce or Not to Pierce Body piercing is rooted very deep in our past. With this deep history we are able to look at the reasons people choose to get certain body parts pierced.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
To Pierce or Not to Pierce Body piercing is rooted very deep in our past. With this deep history we are able to look at the reasons people choose to get certain body parts pierced. Do they get them because of the tradition of their culture, or rather just a trend or fashion statement? Throughout time piercings have generally proven to be traditional rather than trend, but in today's western culture we have noticed that …

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…western civilization, many have borrowed these traditions and used them to symbolize something, like defiance, and started new trends among their peers. While many piercings have traditional upbringings, in today's western civilization's they are nothing but trendy accessories. Works Cited Morrison, Cheyenne. History of Body Piercing. 20 Mar. 1998. Painful Pleasures. 20 Oct. 2002. <> California Emergency Nurses Association. Body Piercing. Meyer, Diana.